All Day Breakfast Sliders Recipe | Simplot Foods
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All Day Breakfast Sliders

All Day Breakfast Sliders Recipe
Yield: 8 Servings (7 oz.)

Yield: 8 Servings (7 oz.)

Load up Hawaiian slider rolls with avocado, lattice cut fries, fried egg, plant-based sausage and pepper jack cheese. A great way to start the day, but really, we'd eat these tasty little sandwiches any time.

Ingredient Weight Measure
Simplot Harvest Fresh™ Avocados: Avocado Halves, Frozen 12/2lb 3 each
Plant based breakfast patties, 2 oz. 8 each
Simplot SeasonedCRISP® Savory Savory Battered Lattice Cut Fries, Skin On 16 pieces
Eggs, large 8 each
Hawaiian slider rolls 8 each
Pepper Jack cheese, sliced 8 slices
Preparation Instructions:
Step 1
Thaw avocado halves according to package instructions. Cut each half into slices, about 6 slices per half.
Step 2
Prepare sausage and lattice fries according to package instructions. Hold warm.
Step 3
To prepare eggs; on a flat griddle, or sauté pan, crack an egg and break the yolk. Cook until sides start to turn opaque, about 2 minutes. Flip and cook until egg is over hard, about 2-3 minutes. Hold warm.
Step 4
With a serrated knife split Hawaiian rolls in half and lightly toast.
Step 5
To assemble each sandwich; place a prepared egg on bottom half of roll. Top with a warm sausage patty, 1 slice of cheese, 1-2 lattice fries and 2 slices of avocado. Finish with top of roll.
Products used in this recipe