Simplot Foods | Blog |Foodservice Expertise


Eco-friendly restaurant server behind the counter

What Do Consumers Really Think About Restaurant Sustainability?

Consumers say that sustainability is important to them and can influence where they eat out. Do your customers know about your practices? If not, you need to let them know.

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Southern Breakfast Poutine Loaded Fries

6 Delicious Menu Ideas with Extraordinary Margins

It looks like inflation will continue to push food costs higher in 2023. Check out these proven strategies to protect your bottom line by menuing more profitable dishes. And we have six tasty menu ideas with very healthy margins—give them a try!

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Restaurant owner rings up customer at counter

How Fast Are Restaurant Prices Rising in 2022?

Restaurant operators had little choice but to increase their menu prices this year, but just how much? And how does your operation compare?

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Cooks preparing food in busy restaurant kitchen

How the Foodservice Industry Performed in Q3

Overall, foodservice industry performance proved to be a mixed bag in the third quarter, with growth and traffic shared unevenly across segments. Read on to find out more.

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Simplot's K-12 Team Celebrates NSLW

The Simplot K-12 Team Helps Celebrate National School Lunch Week (NSLW)

President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week (NSLW) in 1962 to promote the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life and the impact it has inside and outside the classroom.

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