Simplot Foods | Blog |Foodservice Expertise


How to use google to help people find your restaurant

How to Use Google to Help Patrons Find You

Every day, people are searching for a restaurant on Google. Make sure you’re the one they find.

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All Day Torta Recipe Image

Latin Flavors: 4 Key Trends for Operators in 2021

We’ve identified four key trends to help operators meet the growing appetite for Latin-inspired items. Whether your menu is filled with Latin dishes or just a few, matching these trends can help you attract new customers and keep your existing base coming back.

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Creative Outdoor Seating Options in New York City

How to Make Outdoor Dining Perform Beyond the Pandemic

When cities began to lift the initial restrictions on restaurants last summer and fall, outdoor dining became a lifeline for struggling operators. As winter weather settled in, owners got creative with solutions to make eating out in the cold a warm, inviting experience. Now with spring in sight, will the popularity of outdoor dining melt with the higher temperatures?

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Ranch Fries

Ranch Dressing is a Blessing

March 10th is National Ranch Day, and here at Simplot, we think it's also a day to celebrate America and its collective obsession with this creamy dressing with an herbal kick that's affectionately known as a "hug in a bottle."

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Mobile photography of Chinese Takeout

5 Smart Ways To Elevate Your Delivery and Takeout Packaging

People want to be delighted by their dining experience, even at home. In the same way we judge books by their covers, how you package your orders—and the little touches you include inside—can turn your dishes into must-have meals before the first bite.

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